The series, 1^(1) + 2^(2) + 3^(3) + … + 10^(10) = 10405071317.
Find the last ten digits of the series, 1^(1) + 2^(2) + 3^(3) + … + 1000^(1000).
My solution in Ruby:
sum = 0
for i in 1..1000 do
sum += i**i
str = sum.to_s
puts str[str.length - 10,str.length]
s = 0
(1..1000).inject { |s, x| s + x ** x } % (10 ** 10)
str = s.to_s
puts str[str.length - 10,str.length]
A shorter solution would be:
(1..1000).inject { |s, x| s + x ** x } % (10 ** 10)
( has some good details on the inject method)
The % (10 ** 10) takes the last 10 digits – so the entire string selection part is un-needed too!