Project Euler Problem 25 Solution

The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:

F_(n) = F_(n−1) + F_(n−2), where F_(1) = 1 and F_(2) = 1.

Hence the first 12 terms will be:

F_(1) = 1
F_(2) = 1
F_(3) = 2
F_(4) = 3
F_(5) = 5
F_(6) = 8
F_(7) = 13
F_(8) = 21
F_(9) = 34
F_(10) = 55
F_(11) = 89
F_(12) = 144

The 12th term, F_(12), is the first term to contain three digits.

What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?

My solution in Ruby:

t1, t2, term = 1, 2, 3
loop do
  temp = t1 + t2
  t1 = t2
  t2 = temp
  term += 1
  temp_s = temp.to_s
  break if temp_s.length >= 1000
puts term
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