It’s Just Too Noisy In Here

Until last night, I was following over 1100 people on Twitter. I love Twitter, but lately, I am feeling increasingly like every-time I open Twirl, I am being screamed at by 100 people at once.  It was becoming all nigh to follow what the people I really care about (@MrsAngell, @ChrisSaad, @michaelmcneill@DallasClark and @StephenKelly to name a few) where talking about.

Basically, as much as I’ve loved talking to you all, I just can’t keep it up.  In a society which is approaching economies of scarcity, I have reached a saturation point where my Twitter value is dropping because I can’t hold meaningful, deep, 140 character conversations with people anymore.  My Social Graph has become so wide that it barely holds definition anymore.  Too many trivial relationships, talking too loudly.

So starting last night, I’ve started a mass excommunication of my followers.   I have already culled over 300 people (thanks to Twitters recently improved interface tweaks).

Twitter _ People AshleyAngell is following

I am trying to be selective.  If you have *something* in common with me, professionally, personally, intellectually or geographically; then you’re probably safe.  I will an try to ensure that I follow people I converse with (so any @ replies count).

So, I am sorry if your one of the exiled, It’s not personal – It’s Just Too Noisy In Here!


Twitter _ People AshleyAngell is following-1

2 thoughts on “It’s Just Too Noisy In Here

  1. Yeah I did try TweetDeck, but the groups were not easy enough for me to use – and for some reason, many of the people I wanted to follow could not be added to the group (perhaps because they were private – I’m not sure).

    But basically, I realized that I was adding a bunch of people to the group, and I didnt *really* care about anyone outside that group. So, I thought to myself, why not just cull them.

    It seems very cold, but I just had to do something.

    By the way – you’re one of the people who made the “white list” 😛

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