I often complain about Apple products. The recent launch of the iPhone 3G is merely just another example of this. Not only is the Apple Reality Distortion Field at full strength again, and now apparently the field has grown so strong that Apple doesn’t even have to advertise with it’s own cash anymore!
Is this honest to god “frontpage news”? Or have they considered making Apple pay for its own advertising, rather than letting it replace actual news content?
Update: Firstly I’d like to point out that I do understand the irony of posting this, since I am effectively providing free advertising to Apple as well. Secondly, I think the iPhone is just another phone; however I do think that the web browsing on it is second to none.
Update II: Thanks to Ben for pointing out this sweet clip from YouTube:
thanks now that you mention it i probbly should consider if i want one of those phones
my comments:
I don’t understand the iphone – what makes it attracts fanbois so much? Its a piece of average technology hyped with fantastic marketing…
rofl oh, the irony.
wait until you see the advertising for my new product… the iSpam 🙂
give me your email address and I’ll spam you
you forgot to change the text at the bottom of the site, lorem ipsum dollar sed, luctus vitae, dolor. Nunc mauris eros, vehicula id, fermentum non, semper ac, nisl. Cras sed purus non justo lobortis rhoncus. Morbi consectetuer augue.