Cross-posted from the Particls blog.
Over the past two weeks, the Faraday Media development team have been hard at work migrating all our products and initiatives into a new datacenter. The new data center was much more suited to Faraday Media technology – much easier to scale, much faster and more reliable.
As part of our efforts, we’ve finally had the opportunity to give Particls and the Engagd platform their own dedicated servers, effectively quadrupling our processing capability. This will allow us to service our partners and customers with increased reliability and confidence.
We’ve taken the opportunity with the new servers, to finally move our blogs off Blogger and onto a hostedWordPress solution, giving us far more flexibility with our blogs and presentation.
One problem, however, after we upgraded to WordPress 2.6, was that when we changed the permalink settings (to something more tollerable than ‘?p=x’) suddenly, index.php worked fine, but any other page reported as ‘not found’. After serverl long hours Googling for the answer, there was lots of “answers” for WordPress on Apache (specifically about correct access to the .htaccess file and ensuring the correct PHP/Apache modules are installed) – but none about how to solve these issues on IIS. It turns out that there are a number of known issues with 2.6 on IIS, which are now solved with the release of WordPress 2.6.1.
With most of our migration issues now sorted, we can now confidently continue to deliver our attention and data portablity solutions to the masses secure in the knowledge that our services are scalable and our bandwidth is plenty.