WTF is HTML5 and Why We Should All Care

I saw this tweet today:

#IRONY RT @kevinmarks: I like this ‘what is HTML5’ Infographic: should b a webpage not a bitmap

Now I repost here, in the event it should disappear because I think this is a really good info-graphic and it deserves more exposure…I hence present “WTF is HTML5 and why we should all care”.

The original link can be found here.

Microsoft Warns of Internet Explorer Security Flaw

Users of the world’s most common web browser have been advised to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed. Trend Micro reports that over 10,000 sites are already infected, and taking advantage of the vunerability in IE 7.0, the most widely distributed and arguablly the most common web browser today.

“Microsoft is continuing its investigation of public reports of attacks against a new vulnerability in Internet Explorer.”

But I can’t help but think that people are over-reacting.  Every browser has its various quirks and become susceptible to vulnerabilities from time to time. It’s fine to say ‘don’t use Internet Explorer’ for now, but it’s nieve to think that any specific browser is immune.

Extending Explorer with Band Objects using .NET and Windows Forms

One of the great things about Firefox, is how easy it is to extend. Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer, not so much.  If you’re a ATL or COM guru then you might not find it so hard, but for those of us from a Managed Code background; its like splitting wood in your eyes.

A while ago I found a great article on CodeProject by Pavel Zolnikov, which walks you through the implementation of an Explorer bar with the help of BandObject base class. Describes implementation details of the BandObject class.

This was excellent, but it really didn’t work using the .Net 2.0 framework – that is until I found this little gem Band Objects – .NET 2.0 Redux.