Hands-down, the BEST way to Install MySQL on Mac OSX Mavericks

I recently had some database woes. I needed to restore a MySQL database of a clients existing website that was dozens of gigabytes in size. I had a great deal of trouble trying to import that data, but that’s a story for another time. This was about getting MySQL installed in the first place (for a development environment).

At first, I tried using Homebrew – because its awesome and I like it. But sadly, for one reason or another the default configuration just wasn’t working for me. It was simple and blind, but too well hidden and I didn’t feel like there was enough “control” (like getting setting/getting the default root password for example). If you’re going to automate something, then automate it – but don’t ask me to run stuff to secure my install when your supposed to be automating it for me.  Bah humbug!

However, the wonderful folks at macminivault.com solved all my problems. It was simply perfection. Exactly the right balance of automation and control.

Just open up Terminal and paste this into it:

bash <(curl -Ls http://git.io/eUx7rg)

It will tell you or prompt you for the rest. And don’t forget to get the text file containing the root password, before you mistakenly delete it.

Simplicity itself.

(comic property of http://www.brainstuck.com/)

Syncing Google Contacts with iMessage (and Contacts) on OSX Mavericks

You may remember earlier in the year I took issue with the super secret hidden checkbox in the Mountain Lion’s version of Contacts which magically syncs your Google contacts with OSX Contacts and Messages. As it seems, Apple have finally fixed the SSL problem stopping you from syncing through the Google option in System Preference’s Internet Accounts setup.

Getting the sync to work now is as trivial as adding a Google account to your Internet Accounts list, log in and turn on the items you want to sync. Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 9.46.42 pmHurray! Easy peasy.

It’s beyond me that it wasn’t like this before.