Association Cardinality in Rails

From time to time I’ve noticed people who struggle with cardinality and associations in Ruby on Rails. So, I thought I would attempt to create a cheat sheet here to help developers understand relationship cardinality and how it maps to associations.

ActiveRecord can be used to describe relations with one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many cardinality; where each model defines its relation to another. Let’s cover each of the three types of associations.


Use `has_one` in the base and `belongs_to` in the association:

class Family < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :home
class Home < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :family

A common question about a one-to-one association is ‘how to know which direction the has_one and belongs_to go?’  The correct way to know, is that whichever model has the foreign key, gets the `belongs_to`.  In this case, Home has the foreign key `family_id`.

One-to-one relationships are a bit odd, and as a general rule, if you find yourself using a lot of them, there is probably a better solution.


Use `has_many` in the base and `belongs_to` in the association:

class Family < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :parents
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :family

This will be your most common relationship. As with one-to-one’s, the table with the foreign key gets the `belongs_to` (although this is a lot more obvious with a one-to-many). In this case the foreign key is `family_id`.


These can be a lot more complicated and there is actually a couple of different ways to do it.

The first way involves a specific joining model. This results in 2 stages of has_many associations. It is referred to as `has_many :through` and is primarily used if you need to fully control the joining model/table:

class Family < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :parent
  belongs_to :kid
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :kids, through: :families
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :parents, through: :families

The second (and my preferred way) is to use the `has_and_belongs_to_many` method:

class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :kids 
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :parents

The main difference (or disadvantage) with the `has_and_belongs_to_many`method is that the intermediary joining table and foreign keys need to be exactly named to match what Rails expects. Which many-to-many method you use ultimately depends on whether you need to work with the relationship model as its own entity directly.

MySQL utf8mb4 Encoding Breaks ActiveRecord’s Schema Setup

I recently wrote about the virtues of true UTF8 (utf8mb4) character sets in MySQL and how to change your database to use it. Today we will discuss a possible problem you may encounter when you do when programming on Ruby on Rails. The error looks something like this:

$ rake db:setup

Mysql::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_schema_migrations ON schema_migrations (version)

The problem exists because the utf8mb4 character set uses the full 4 bytes per character rather than the 1-3 of UTF8 (the character set most people mistakenly use thinking they’ll have full Unicode compliance). Because of this extra size, the schema_migration may no longer fit.

This small patch will set default mysql string column length to 191 instead of 255 which is the new index limit on utf8mb4 (aka real utf8).

# config/initializers/mysqlpls.rb
require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter'

module ActiveRecord
  module ConnectionAdapters
    class AbstractMysqlAdapter
      NATIVE_DATABASE_TYPES[:string] = { :name => "varchar", :limit => 191 }


Using Ruby’s Metaprogramming to Initialize an Object From a Hash

Consider the code:

class A
  attr_accessor :b, :c, :d, :e, :h, :i, :x

Now imagine that you want to initialize each instance variable to the one that has the same name in the hash.. Imagine all the repetitive and crappy code that would generate.

But this is Ruby and with Ruby there is *nearly* always a better way.  Instead, meta-program it, and mix-it-in.

module constructed_from_hash
 def initialize(h)
  h.each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) }

class A
 include constructed_from_hash
 attr_accessor :b, :c, :d, :e, :h, :i, :x

Nice, elegant and clean. Just the way Ruby code is supposed to be. AND this code will now scale, as more accessors are added to the object over time, the constructor too, wont need reprogramming. If you don’t need to do this often, you can pull just the constructor out of the module and put it directly into the class, but this way provides the most flexibility.

Header image taken from Examining Dwemthy’s Array composite pattern. An interesting read in it’s own right. check it out.

How to Fix ‘Requirements installation failed’ When Installing RVM Ruby on OSX Mavericks

Installing Ruby with RVM on Mac is a cinch, simply execute:

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby

But recently, while trying to install RVM instead of the default Mavericks Ruby, the script that normally just “works” fails with the ominous message:

: Requirements installation failed with status: 1.

It turns out to be something funky with Mavericks and the Homebrew step of the installation. Luckily, despite the failure of the script, you can simply install Hombrew manually to solve the problem. Installing Homebrew is a triviality, simply execute the following command in Terminal:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

It will first install the XCode Command Line Tools (don’t worry if you already have it, just hit “install” and let it do it’s thing) and then once the Xcode dialog disappears, hit [any] key in Terminal and it will auto-download and auto-install itself. Once its all finished (and it can take a few minutes, just be patient), simply re-execute the command to install RVM Ruby.

‘belongs_to’ and ‘has_one’ Differentiated

One of the more common confusions with ActiveRecord associations is the difference between the `has_one` and `belongs_to` relationships.

However, they are not interchangeable, and there are some serious differences. A `belongs_to` can only go in the class that holds the foreign key whereas `has_one` means that there is a foreign key in another table that references this class. So `has_one` can only go in a class that is referenced by a column in another table.

So this is wrong:

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
  # The transactions table has a order_id  
  has_one :order                

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  # The orders table has a transaction_id
  has_one :transaction          

So is this:

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
  # The transactions table has a order_id
  belongs_to :order             

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  # The orders table has a transaction_id
  belongs_to :transaction     

For a two-way association, you need one of each, and they have to go in the right class. Even for a one-way association, it matters which one you use, and which direction you use it:

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
  # This table has no foreign keys
  has_one :order             

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  # The orders table has a transaction_id
  belongs_to :transaction     

Ruby Script to Import Google Contact Photos From Gravatar

Google Contact photos are a much neglected feature of the Google Stack. It really adds to the user experience when you see each of your contact photos when you make or receive a call. However, it can be a real pain (especially if you have hundreds of contacts).

But I had an idea recently, to try and match my Google Contact emails with Gravatar and try to auto-populate some of the dozens of contacts that didn’t already have a photo (after all a Gravatar is better than nothing).

So I wrote a Ruby script to find my contacts missing a photo and try to update it with a Gravatar (wherever possible). NB: You may need to first install the GData (Google Data) gem by opening a Terminal window and issuing: sudo gem install gdata.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Google Contact Photos - Gravatar Importer
# Written by Ashley Angell
# Licenced under Creative Commons with Attribution

require "rubygems"
require "gdata"
require "rexml/document"
require "digest/md5"
require "net/http"
include REXML

none = 'd5fe5cbcc31cff5f8ac010db72eb000c'
user = ARGV[0]
pass = ARGV[1]

client =
client.clientlogin(user, pass)
data = client.get("{user}/full?max-results=10000")
myxml = data.body
p "contacts"
puts "-"*70
i = 0
myxml.each_element("feed/entry") do |e|
    gd = e.elements['gd:email']
    if !gd.nil?
      email = gd.attributes['address'].downcase
      hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)
      image_src = "{hash}"
      nil_image = false
      image_element = e.get_elements("link[@rel='']")[0]
      if !image_element.nil? and image_element.attributes['gd:etag'].nil?
        data = nil
        md5 = nil
        Net::HTTP.start(URI.parse(image_src).host) do |http|
          resp = http.get(URI.parse(image_src).path)
          data = resp.body
          md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data)
"#{email}.png", 'w') do |f|
            f.puts data if md5 != none
        md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data)
        if md5 != none
          puts "#{email} > #{image_src}"
          client.put_file(image_element.attributes['href'], "#{email}.png", 'image/png')
          i = i + 1
          puts "#{email} > no match"
        puts "#{email} > skipped (already has photo)"
      File.delete("#{email}.png") if File.exists?("#{email}.png")
  rescue Exception => ex
    puts ex
puts "Updated #{i} contact photos"

To execute it, simply copy and paste this into a text editor (or download it and unzip) and from Terminal (command) window and execute the following commands:

sudo chmod +x googlegravatarimporter.rb [Enter]
./googlegravatarer.rb your_password [Enter]

It will cycle through your Google Contacts and indicate what action was taken. For me, surprisingly updated a few dozen contacts (even more than I expected).

I’ve posted this here for others that might want to do the same thing but cannot be bothered writing the script for it. Consider it posted here under Creative Commons with Attribution.

‘File not found: lib’ Error installing Rails Gem

I recently had a problem trying to install Rails 3 on my MacBook with a fresh OSX Snow Leopard:

sudo gem install rails
Password: {entered}
Successfully installed rails-3.0.7
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rails-3.0.7...
File not found: lib

Turns out this is a somewhat common problem.  But it seems that the solution is easy, just manually reinstall RDoc. To do this run these 3 commands:

sudo gem install rdoc-data
sudo rdoc-data --install
sudo gem rdoc --all --overwrite

The last line in particular will re-generate all the documentation for your installed gems (including Rails) and can take a while, but you should be able to confirm the fix by reissuing the Rails gem install command:

sudo gem install rails

shows that rails now installs properly and says that it has installed both ri and RDoc documentation without issue.

Adding Wiki Style Functionality to Your Rails Site Using 'acts_as_versioned'

If you need to add basic wiki style functionality to your Ruby on Rails models, there is a really easy way to get similar model versioning without having to resort to cutting the code yourself.

The acts_as_versioned ‘plugin’ has been available for quite some time, but its been made far better by it now becoming a gem instead of an old-school plugin. The authors have gone to considerable effort to make it as painless as possible to use.

This post, is designed to give you a brief over-view into how to get up and running with with models which ‘acts_as_versioned’.  Because its the current version (at time of posting) and because its awesome, this walk-though assumes that you are using Rails 3, not 2.  The instructions for Rails 2 sites are similar, but you’ll need to tweak this for it to work.

First, you need to grab the gem:

sudo gem install acts_as_versioned

Next, add the dependency to the ‘Gemfile’, it doesn’t matter too much where it goes, I stuck it somewhere in the middle:

gem 'acts_as_versioned', '0.6.0'

Next, just under the ‘ActiveRecord::Base’ line in the model’s class file, instruct the class that its to act as a versioned model.

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

Then, in the migration file you need to execute the model's method to create the version table.  This is key because the acts_as_versioned gem actually creates an additional database table to house all the previous versions of a given record.  Obviously, you need to delete the table is the schema is taken down.  My migration now looks like:

class CreateArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :article do |t|
      t.string :title
      t.string :body
      t.integer :user_id


  def self.down
    drop_table :articles

The key method is the


which creates the version table of the model. Now, get rake to create the database:

 rake db:migrate

Thats it!  Its done.  Using acts_as_versioned is simple. I'll provide some examples, where '@article' represents an instance of a model setup 'acts_as_versioned'. To find the current version of an article you can use the version property:


But just performing a normal ActiveRecord lookup returns the most current version anyway, so to revert to a previous version use the revert_to method on an article instance:


You can save (just like you've done a hundred times before) a previous version as the current on by using the save method. The save on a reverted articles will just create a new version.

To get the number of versions:


Since '@article.versions' returns an array of versions, you can do neat things like this:


<% for version in @article.versions.reverse %> Version <%= version.version %> <%= link_to '(revert to this version)', :action => 'revert_to_version', :version =>, :id => @article %>
<% end %>

Obviously for this to work, you'd need to create a 'revert_to_version' action in the appropriate controller, but you get the idea.

acts_as_versioned is an amazing piece of work, and aside from the wiki-like functionality it gives you for very little effort, I can imagine scenarios such as audit and trace logs and "undo" features which could really benefit from this little gem.

Ruby Code to Scrape Images from TwitPic URLs

Twitpic logo

I’ve been trying to find an easy way to re-grab my TwitPic images back off TwitPic to be re-syndicated on a communal family website I am trying to create.  I found a great site which had some Rails code that scraped the image, so I took the code and modified it to make it compatible for pure Ruby (too be honest it didn’t need much modifying at all) .

Here’s my modified snippet of code that I’ve been using to grab the image from Twitpic with the Hpricot gem:

require 'rubygems'
require 'net/http'
require 'hpricot'

def rip_twitpic(url)
    unless code.empty?
  rescue Exception => e
    puts "Error extracting twitpic: #{e}"

Just as it appears, this method will return the URL of the image embedded on the page that the TwitPic URL points too.

This will form the core part of a little project which will allow you to scrape TwitPic images and send them to a server of your choosing. I’ll try to release this ASAP but in the meantime, I thought a few of you might find this useful. I know I do.

Project Euler Problem 52 Solution

It can be seen that the number, 125874, and its double, 251748, contain exactly the same digits, but in a different order.

Find the smallest positive integer, x, such that 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, and 6x, contain the same digits.

My solution in Ruby:

i = 1;
answer = nil;

while answer == nil
  i += 1
  x = i * 2
  base =
  matchbase = true
  for t in 3..6
    break if matchbase == false
    x = i * t
    digits =
    digits.each { |d| matchbase = false if base.index(d) == nil }
  answer = i if matchbase == true
puts "Answer: #{answer}"