Unit Testing Events With Anonymous Delegates

I’ve been ramping up the amount of unit testing I’ve been doing lately, and whenever I had to do unit tests I would create the normal event handler and do the assertion in the handler.

But the problem with this approach is that (in my opinion) it can be really messy with a whole bunch of handlers for each event thrown in each test. Anonymous delegates get around this get around this because the handler can be done inline with the actual test.

public void SettingValueRaisesEventTest() {
bool eventRaised = false;
Parameter param = new Parameter("num", "int", "1");
param.ValueChanged +=
delegate(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e) {
Assert.AreEqual("42", e.NewValue);
Assert.AreEqual("1", e.OldValue);
Assert.AreEqual("num", e.ParameterName);
eventRaised = true;

param.Value = "42"; //should fire event.

Assert.IsTrue(eventRaised, "Event was not raised");

In general, I try not to use anonymous delegates, especially when the delegate contains a lot of code. I think they can become confusing and hard to read. But this is a situation in which I think using an anonymous delegate is particularly handy.